Jean-Philippe Menetret

Jean-Philippe Ménétret has extensive knowledge of main actors within ICT (manufacturers, software vendors, resellers, distributors, integrators, outsourcers and telco operators) and has several successful experiences in the creation and implementation of development strategies in France and abroad. He has expertise in building cloud computing offers, implementation of this new business model for software companies and new entrants as well as the development of HR and IT infrastructure outsourcing offers for services companies. He is also able to rapidly develop a network of partners in France and abroad.


He began his career in IT distribution in 1985 in sales positions at Random, and then in 1987 as Head of Product Marketing and Communication for Agena. In 1993 he was appointed Distribution Marketing Director at Agena and implemented a successful differentiation strategy. In 1995 Agena merged with ECS Distribution and gave birth to Allium. He continued in the same role and actively contributed to the success of the merger process to make Allium (SCC today) become the first corporate reseller in France.

In 1997, he took the Southern Europe Marketing Department for Progress Software, an e-business solution vendor. Through his action on the sales organization and marketing programs, he contributed to the doubling of large accounts revenues in 3 years. He persuaded and supported 20% of Progress Software ISV partners (software vendors) to adopt the new ASP business model.

In 2001 he was appointed Business Unit Manager for the On line solutions of REALVIZ. He managed the technical, marketing and commercial development for two SaaS solutions in the field of digital image for BtoB and BtoC and built a white label partners network in the US and Europe.

After a year in corporate strategy Consulting for software vendors, he became Director of Strategy for ADP-GSI in 2004 and enabled the company to successfully deploy its HRPO strategy and expand in the field HR BPO.

In 2006, he joined the ECS Group, a subsidiary of Société Générale as European Chief Marketing Officer for IT Services. He defined the European ECS Services Vision for the next 4 years, the targets for acquisition and launched several SaaS offers and infrastructure outsourcing services. He thus contributed to the doubling of the services turnover to over 100 million euros in 2010.

In 2012, he supported Bouygues Telecom Entreprises, as Transition Manager, to define its position in the cloud, develop and achieve their first offers launched in 2013 with SMB and MM. He then built a network of over 50 partners to address this bottom market. The Cloud offers took all their meaning with the arrival of 4G.

Since 2014, he works primarily with service companies and software vendors, on projects of change of business model towards the cloud, SaaS offers development or the development of white label partners network within international.

Jean-Philippe Ménétret graduated from ISTEC 85, an executive management program of International General Management from ESSEC 03 and a transition management certificate from the University Paris Dauphine 11. He is also Coach certified RNCP level 1 and MBTI authorized since 2016. He was administrator of the ASP Forum (renamed Eurocloud) and is a member of “Business and Technology”, “HR” of ESSEC clubs and the “CDRT” in telecoms. He is also President of the AE-CMT association, the first network of certified interim managers in France recognized by the SNMT.